Thursday, March 27, 2008

Stuff and Things People Like. Or Not.

Dear god, I'm here late. It's one of those "worm holes" you fall into online.

First, it was What White People Like.

Then I found Ten Rap Songs White People Love. And 10 Rock Songs Black People Love.

A few days ago, it was What Queer People Like.

Tonight, it was What Educated Black People Like, Stuff Black People Hate ... and maybe another? I don't even remember now. But they're all hilarious. And full of satire. And I don't know how any of the random "you're a racist" posters don't get it.

Oh yeah, and What White People Like will be available in book form.

If you don't know, you're just not white. Or something.


Jim Thomsen said...

It ain't white if it ain't trite.

Wordnerdy said...

I'm thinking about starting What Short Redheaded Copyediting Design Fools Dream About.

Oh, wait. That's Nerdy Words.