Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why wait any longer for the world to begin, you can have your cake and eat it, too

Bill Walsh, copy editing celebrity, spilled wine on me at last year's Word Nerd Fest. This year, we hung out a bit. He complimented my karaoke choice of Bob Dylan's ungrammatical masterpiece, "Lay Lady Lay."

Last night, I discovered that he has driven through my hometown. And now we're e-mailing about it.



Photos and updates of Word Nerd Fest 2008 to come. If ever Wordnerdy empties her suitcase and downloads her photos.


Andrew Knapp said...

That's like FLORIDA TODAY doing a 1A centerpiece about Charlton Heston because he vacationed here once, hypothetically.

Wordnerdy said...

You are simply jealous that Mr. Walsh and I have such a long-standing and ever-deepening relationship. You're also jealous of my small town's rank on the speed trap list. So there.