Thursday, March 27, 2008

Stuff and Things People Like. Or Not.

Dear god, I'm here late. It's one of those "worm holes" you fall into online.

First, it was What White People Like.

Then I found Ten Rap Songs White People Love. And 10 Rock Songs Black People Love.

A few days ago, it was What Queer People Like.

Tonight, it was What Educated Black People Like, Stuff Black People Hate ... and maybe another? I don't even remember now. But they're all hilarious. And full of satire. And I don't know how any of the random "you're a racist" posters don't get it.

Oh yeah, and What White People Like will be available in book form.

If you don't know, you're just not white. Or something.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't know what to call this

Well, then. It's been a while.

My eye is healing up nicely as far as I can tell. No permanent damage after a co-worker friend short-term roommate hit me with the nylon strap attached to a furniture dolly eight days ago. Today is the first day that I haven't worn sunglasses at work to cut the bright glow from fluorescent lights and a computer screen.

But I'm having some pain in the abdominal area from two skin biopsies. The stitches will be removed Thursday. This is interesting thing, the stitches. I've had other biopsies but never wire stitches, always the butterly suture things that allow the skin to heal closed without sewing. We'll see how it goes.

Last night I downloaded all the photos in my camera, dating to the Jacksonville trip in December. Maybe one day I'll post the cooking photos in a blog here.

There's a new job at work. I'm now the business designer. It's been interesting, as I do little copy editing. And little designing, too.

The search continues for a potential future long-term boyfriend. Why can't I just settle? Damn. I know I wouldn't be happy then, but god this is getting annoying. I blame the one who reset the thermometer.